Video - Brazil Ministry of Infrastructure
Brazil is a continent-sized country. We are the fifth largest country in the world. And we have the fifth largest population. We are among the 10 largest economies. We are ranked even higher in production, exports and investment opportunities. But, how can we integrate all this? How can we connect all the different countries into one? How can the country advance further and further? The Ministry of Infrastructure prepared a video to show all the country's potential to foreign investors. Check it out!
Canada's State of Trade 2019
This report provides a comprehensive summary of the main developments in Canada’s commercial activities during the previous year. It describes the events that took place in the global economy and trade in 2018, the main developments in Canada’s economy and those of its most important partner economies and regions. It reports the developments in Canada’s trade in goods and services, as well as flows and stocks of foreign direct investment and Canadian direct investment abroad.